Project Title: Educational Support for Underprivileged Children
Proposed Duration: 12 months starting from actual inception
Part 1 : Basic information
Full name: NIHARIKA
Founding year: 2002
Address: Head office:
132, Darus Salam (Ground & 2nd floor),
Eastern Housing Project, Kalyanpur
Mirpur, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh.
Phone: 88-01737770775
The poor and underprivileged people have consecutively been exploited by the rich. They will work for the betterment of their life. The organization will just play the role of catalyst.
To establish a sustainable organization devoted to other and ensure quality and responsible service to improve the self esteem and self confidence of members, especially women to establish self employed sustainable livelihood dignified life.
Organizational objectives:
Management practices:
The organization has a general body which is the prime authority for formulating policies and strategies, approved periodical budget and look after program implementation. It has also an Executive council presently consisting of 7 members which is actually the authority to ensure dynamic administration and management of the organization, plan and execute development programs, control finance & accounts and look after personnel and program issues. It has the provision to form management committees at its project offices to run the project activities smoothly.
Geographical coverage:
District |
Upazila |
No. of Unions |
No. of Villages |
Shariatpur |
Palong |
5 |
19 |
Total = 1 |
1 |
5 |
19 |
Target population:
NIHARIKA organizes its member on the following criteria:
Program Interventions:
Institution building
Income generating activities
Non –formal child education
Poultry, livestock & fish culture
Rural Nursery & social forestry
Skill development training
Drinking water & sanitation
HIV/AIDS, arsenic awareness
Women &Gender development
Disability program
Relief & rehabilitation
Existing manpower:
Category |
Status |
Male |
Female |
Total |
Regular staff |
3 |
5 |
8 |
Part timer |
3 |
7 |
10 |
Volunteer |
5 |
5 |
10 |
Total |
11 |
17 |
28 |
Part 2 : The Project
Title of the Proposed Project:: “ Educational Support for underprivileged children”
a) Tenure: 12 (Twelve) Months starting from the date of actual inception as specified by the sponsoring authority.
b) Proposed Location:
District |
Upazila |
No. of Unions |
No. of Villages |
Shariatpur |
Palong |
1 |
5 |
Total = 1 |
1 |
1 |
5 |
c) Objectives of the project:
d) Background rationale:
During the recent years, Bangladesh has achieved considerable success in economy, industrialization, employment and some other sectors including a significant lift in education sector. In spite of continuous and gross promotion in higher education and in increasing literacy among the mass people in Bangladesh during the said period, quality of education is still far beyond the actual need of the time. Vast portion of the higher educated people are suffering from the lack of employment for the sake of weaker education. It is a general consensus in our country that still a considerable portion of children at early childhood does not enroll in primary school. Through a survey and publication by UNICEF in 2005, 22% children under 6 do not enroll in primary schools. Another 45% children drops out during the primary stage before completing standard V. Govt. specially the primary education department did a lot and launched bigger programs nationwide, but the situation has not changed as per expectation. Major constraint of these situation have identified as extreme poverty, lack of consciousness, illiterate parents, lack of community involvement in education system, lower and weaker education methods,, non-skilled teachers, weak supervision and finally, lack of Govt. commitment. As a result this situation in primary education is ongoing as a national curse.
To eradicate this curse and to promote the expected situation, the proposed project has been undertaken by the organization. Through implementing the proposed project, enrolment of children in primary schools has been expected 100% with resisting drop out at subsequent stages. Through the community involvement as proposed in the project, the result will be made sustainable and it may be expanded in broader area in Bangladesh. So, the organization sincerely commits and expects to implement the project with a reasonable outcome and impacts.
e) Activities of the project:
Baseline survey: A benchmark baseline survey will be conducted to asses the actual prevailing situation in primary education sector in the reference area. Facts and figures will be used in implementing the project.
Staff allocation & training: For efficient and successful implementation of the project, proposed number of female part time teachers will be recruited/ deployed in the project. Subsequently they will be trained through time to time.
Training, workshop & seminar: Proposed number of training courses will be organized for community people such as-selected parents, community leading peoples, primary managing committee members, and local Govt. members, professional bodies, civil society members and other stakeholders as per need of the project. Workshops and seminar will be organized for selected relevant issues especially primary school enrolment promotion and promotion of intra-school environmental situation in the locality.
Establishment of pre-primary schools (Early childhood school): Pre-primary schools for children within 4-5 will be established around the existing Govt. primary schools and registered primary schools, 3 -5 numbers of pre-primary schools will be established in the catchments area of existing primary schools.
Major characteristics of these schools will be:
Sit 5 days in a week 2/3 hours in a day normally in the morning
Selection & training of the pre-school teachers: Before starting the pre-school activities necessary number of preschool teacher will be recruited from the locality. They will be provided a one week basic training at first, with one day refreshers after every 3 months. They will be provided a small amount of allowance as pocket expenses. But this could not be considered as salary or honorarium. As pre-school teacher, college and university going women students will be given preference.
Sharing sessions with the Govt. primary school teachers: Sharing sessions will be arranged for the teachers of the Govt. primary schools in the project are to activate them in the process. They will be motivated and urged to play active and functional role in collecting new learners and behave with the children in a way so that the children can retain their attraction to school continuously.
Assessing needs of the students:
Through consultation with the teachers and students, needs for development areas especially educational facilities will be identified. These areas for development will be prioritized later on and will be taken to be fulfilled.
Supplement of children’s facilities :
As par identified needs, facilities will be developed through supply of material inputs such as :
In addition, limited quantity of usable facilities like bookshelf, cleaning materials, shelf for playing materials may be arranged.
Opinion sharing workshop: Considering a Govt. primary school as a base and center, teachers, community leaders, school managing committee members, selected guardians and other important people will be organized in a opinion sharing workshop in the starting and mid of a year. They will formulate and help to enroll 100% children to school, resist drop out and improve the internal environmental situation of a school.
Monitoring & supervision: The project will be closely monitored and supervised by the proposed project authority and field staff. Monthly review and sharing meeting will be arranged to share the programs..
Reporting: Half yerly activities and progress report will be sent to the to the donor as per guidelines of the project. In addition half yearly and annual report will also be sent. At the closure of the project, a completion report and audited accounts report will be sent to the donor.
f) Proposed manpower:
Project Director( part timer) 1
Pre-school teacher: 5
Support staff: 1
Total: 7
h) Innovative aspects of the project:
Project Beneficiaries:
Children from poor families
Boys: 50
girls: 75
total: 125
Project outcome:
At the end of the project following outcome will be achieved:
Project Impact:
Following impacts are expected:
Plan of Action :
Sl. no |
Activities |
1st month |
2nd |
3rd |
4th |
5th |
6th |
7th |
8th |
9th |
10th |
11th |
12th |
1 |
Inception report |
2 |
Staff deployment |
3 |
Staff training |
4 |
Baseline survey |
5 |
Training, workshop, seminar |
6 |
Environment awareness program |
7 |
Assessing needs of the students |
8 |
Supplement of children’s facilities |
9 |
Other activities |
10 |
Sharing meeting |
11 |
Monitoring & supervision |
12 |
Reporting |
13 |
Closure |
Project Name: ‘Educational Support for Underprivileged Children’
1. Project Location :
District |
Upozila |
Name of Unions |
Shariatpur |
Palong |
1. Binodpur 2.Chandrapur |
Total District = 01 |
Total Upozila = 01 |
Total Unions = 02 |
2. Objectives of the project :
Workshop with Primary school teachers
Distribute education materials among primary school learners.
Arrange one central workshop incorporating local Govt officers, civil society, community leaders and important persons. .
3. Expected Output :
240 poor families are motivated to continue their children in primary Schools.
60 Primary school teachers are more active in primary education through participating in workshop.
900 learners will be motivated to continue in primary schools being provided with education materials.
Primary school dropout rate is downtrend in the area.
Govt officers, civil society, community leaders and important persons are more concerned about the quality of primary education.
Hosne Ara Begum, executive director of Niharika, is discussing the benefits of children’s education to the poor mothers of village at Binodpur, Shariatpur.
Programme for the free distribution of school utensils to the under-privilaged children at Palang, Shariatpur.
Hosne Ara Begum, executive director of Niharika, providing school equipment to the children.
Joy of children is flourished after receiving the school stationary from Hosne Ara Begum, executive director of Niharika
1. Project Location
District |
Upozila |
No. of Unions |
No. of villages |
Shariatpur |
palong |
2 |
36 |
2. Objectives of the Project:
a) To activate the targeted women in collective self employment activities in order to enhance family income and ultimately standard of living.
b) To train up 120 selected women from different conditions on a 45 days sewing and tailoring training.
c) To range for individual entrepreneurship, for each of the trained women at their own family locations through providing sewing machine each of them.
d) To providing technical and manage mental support as and whenever necessary.
e) To collaborate and assistance for market favorable conditions.
f) To promote the lining condition of 120 underprivileged families.
3. Expected output:
a) 120 selected women will be skilled in sewing and tailoring.
b) After successful completion they will be afforded one sewing machine each of them.
c) They will establish their own service centre for rural women.
d) 120 women will be able to self-employed.
e) Their family income will be increased.
f) As a result, 120 families will be able to improve their living.
g) If will promote overall women empowerment.
Group of women who have undergone a 3-month sewing training course through Niharika.
The sewing training course ended with the women receiving free sewing machines.
Group photo of the women who are newly trained in sewing by Niharika.
Hosne Ara Begum, executive director of Niharika,rewarding trained women with their new sewing machines.
Project Name: “Sanitation Skill Development Training Program”
1. Project Location:
District |
Upozila |
No. of Unions |
No. of villages |
Shariatpur |
palong |
5 |
36 |
a) The main objective of a sanitation system is to protect and promote human health by providing a clean environment and breaking the cycle of disease.
b) The overall purposes of sanitation are to provide a healthy living environment for everyone, to protect the natural resources and to provide safety, security for people when the defecate.
c) Environment sanitation is the control of environment factors that form links disease transmission.
Hosne Ara Begum, executive director of Niharika, is supervising and carrying out the distribution of sanitation between illitereate women of Binodpur, Shariatpur.