Vulnerable Group Dev. (VGD)

Vulnerable Group Development (VGD) programme:

The Vulnerable Group Development Programme  (VGD) is the National development intervention that exclusively targets ultra-poor households. About 750,000 direct ultra-poor participants across the country received monthly food ration for the household and a development support services (inclusive of live skills and income generating skills training, savings and access to credit) for a cycle. To ensure sustainability of development results and to provide women with opportunities to further improve their livelihoods VGD participants will be mainstreamed into regular NGO development programme after completing the cycle.

NIHARIKA has signed the Agreement on March 2014 with Ministry of Women and Children Affairs (MWCA) for implementation those training and savings collection activities in 2 Upazila, Akkelpur and Khetlal under Joypurhat district. A total number of 3000 VGD women are handled by NIHARIKA under the project area. Executive Director of NIHARIKA Mrs.HosneAra Begum visited the projected area this month.


 Vulnerable Group Development Programme (VGD) meeting to supporting extremely poor households

 Managing of savings accounts for targeted households through Niharika.


Households are provided with rations of rice every month.


Hosne Ara Begum, executive director of Niharika, and the women and children from the households undergoing the VGD programme.

Managing of the savings accounts of the various households through Niharika.

Programme discussing vital financial issue development among women through Niharika. These women are under the shelter of VGD programme

Programme discussing vital financial issue development among women through Niharika. These women are under the shelter of VGD programme. The speech is provided by the  ‘Women and Children Affairs’ in-charge Khetlal, Joypurhut.

ROOSC Phase-2 Project

While the whole world was facing the covid-19 pandemic, Bangladesh was fighting against it and building up strength, because that was the only way for us to survive. Under the capable rule of the Honorable Prime Minister of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Sheik Hasina we are advancing as a nation. The government is trying to rid our country of famine and poverty and we are trying to contribute to this battle. And we are taking these steps holding the hand of an organization which goes by the name “Niharika”.



‘Reaching Out of School Children (ROOSC) Phase-2 Project’ is now a reality for “Niharika”, all because of the corporation the Ministry of Public and Primary Education, World Bank and SAVE THE CHILDREN. We have trained the children of Cox’s Bazar’s district Ramu (Kocchopia, Gorgonia Union) in four different trade – 1. Electronics and mobile phone servicing 2. Industrial sewing machine operation and tailoring 3. Beauty care 4. Electric house-wearing and solar system. Due to this project, the trainees under this organization were able to start working and earn for themselves.

Immense thanks to the Bangladesh government, World Bank & Save the children for supporting us.










Donate Here

If you want to help humanity, if you want to help the underprivileged peoples of Bangladesh then you can donate our organization directly to below mentioned Bank details:

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 1630302000777                               


Welcome to Niharika


The poor and underprivileged people have consecutively been exploited by the rich. They will work for the betterment of their life. The organization will just play the role of catalyst.


To establish a sustainable organization devoted to other and ensure quality and responsible service to improve the self esteem and self confidence of members, especially women to establish self employed sustainable livelihood dignified life.


  Organizational objectives:

To organize the destitute, poor and disadvantaged people in groups and develop collective leadership among them

  • To undertake Institution building, Micro-Finance program, Agriculture & Social Forestry, Poultry & Livestock, Education Programs.
  • To facilitate member to create employment opportunity through skill development generating self financed capital and organization support.
  • To impart training to enhance the capability of the members to select plan and manage a feasible IGA. So that it can enable them to increase the purchasing capacity subsequently the quality of life.
  • To increase access to educational opportunities for children, adolescent and adult members through nonformula education and literacy centers.
  • To produce a wide range of services relating to human rights, family law and legal support to protect vulnerable victims from any sorts of oppression.
  • To undertake various environmental including environmental education, plantation, solid water management etc and ensure safe and hygienic water and sanitation program.

Read more Niharika